Learning to be OK with discomfort
Jun 30, 2020Learning to be OK with discomfort in ourselves and others is critical if we are going to listen, learn and make changes
Many of us have been following and active in the protests on #BlackLivesMatter and our own history of Indigenous deaths in custody.
For those of us who benefit from white privilege, we have had an opportunity to stop, reflect and learn more about the racially-based injustices in our world.
This has been challenging and uncomfortable at times, and it is very tempting to run away and distract ourselves with something much more pleasant to think about.
However, learning to be OK with discomfort in ourselves and others is critical if we are going to listen, learn and make changes for a better world.
Practicing self-compassion will help you develop the capacity to hear criticism and act on it; to learn from mistakes; to take time to listen to someone telling you those good intentions are not enough. It allows you to research and learn about injustice that you may have benefited from, and make a choice to be part of changing that situation.
My door is always open to people who want to make the world a better place, but the first step is listening and learning before speaking out.
So take care and be kind, but also have the courage that the world can change if we make a commitment to be part of that change.
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