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Why being “the best” could be your biggest hurdle to a successful working life career development making change mindfulness strategic change wellbeing work life balance Nov 14, 2019

Are you a high achiever, a leader in your sector, an award winner? 

Did you get constant high scores in class and now have glowing performance reviews?

Are you the one people think of when they need an expert?

And…. Do you also feel isolated, exhausted, and alone?

Kirsten Neff talks about the im...

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Bouncing back from not getting that grant leadership leading in crisis strategic change Jul 14, 2016

Missing out on funding or a grant can be frustrating, disappointing and demoralising. However, the reality is that core arts funding budgets are either dropping or static in most areas, so losing out in the grant rounds will probably hit most of us more often then not.

The good news is that writing...

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