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Albany Lane’s top 10 hacks to better networking career development networking Jun 12, 2023

When you next attend an industry event or conference, prepare yourself for networking and making the most of authentic connections you can build on. It can often feel overwhelming, and the urge to sell yourself and your projects can add pressure that makes you, well not quite you. Here’s our top ten...

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Understanding yourself: stop holding back and become a better leader career goals coaching leadership women Jun 06, 2023

When women come to me wanting to develop their leadership potential, the first thing I ask is, do I have permission to challenge them.

This is a fundamental precept of coaching - a willingness to be open to feedback.

Step 1 in developing your career or role in an organisation - is to understand yo...

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Working freelance? Five things to consider first freelance work Apr 18, 2023

The rest of the world is catching on to the value of freelance work with estimates of up to 4 million Australians working freelance at any one time.

For business it is a great way to get the specialist skills they need at an affordable cost.

For individuals it is an opportunity to make the most fr...

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Rejection sucks: how to come back from missing out on a job Mar 30, 2023

Missing out on a grant hurts.

Missing out on a job can hurt just as much or even more. It can be really hard if you are coming off a redundancy or end of contract.

If you are trying to change jobs or take a step up in your career, it is very likely that you will be unsuccessful now and then. Doubl...

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Embracing Imposter Syndrome: A Journey to Personal Growth and Success career development Mar 07, 2023

I was discussing a job opportunity with my husband that would push me far beyond my comfort zone. As I weighed the pros and cons and questioned my skills and qualifications, he looked up from his iPad and said, "Oh, just embrace your imposter syndrome."

For those unfamiliar with imposter syndrome, ...

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Do's and Don'ts of working with boards boards management Feb 21, 2023

If you are a leader (or aspiring leader) of an arts or not-for-profit organisation, you will be working with a board of directors.

How to work with your board is one of the big topics my clients want to talk about: especially if it is your first time working as a CEO (or equivalent).

I have run ar...

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Five immediate wins from creating your own career plan career development career goals coaching professional development work life balance Jan 09, 2023

If you work in the arts or creative sector, you are more than likely a freelancer, contractor or working in a mid or small to medium enterprise. This gives you great flexibility and freedom, but you can miss out on some of the benefits of corporate life.

While perks have been cut in recent times, s...

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10 steps to diversify your income and win the fundraising game financial stability fundraising sustainability Oct 18, 2022

Everyday 100's of not-for-profits and charitable organisations are spending time and effort on fundraising: individual giving, workplace giving, high net worth individuals, philanthropic trusts and corporate sponsorship. It is now a highly professionalised activity and competition is tough: both for...

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Risks of being over-programmed burnout over programmed Aug 29, 2022

Are you worried about burning out? Do you answer “busy” whenever anyone asks you how you are? Do you regularly work weekends and nights and eat lunch (if you get it) at your desk? Have you forgotten what it is like to have time to rest, reflect and simply play?

Then you are probably over-programmed...

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What are the signs that you need to change? career change career goals self-reflection Jun 21, 2022

How good are you at recognising the signs that you need to change something?

I believe I am pretty good at some: when my computer crashes after 5pm, it’s time to go home; when the dog tries to jump on the table it’s time for a walk; and when I am regularly falling asleep on the couch in front of th...

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Hidden Treasures perspective resources self-reflection May 20, 2022

There are some things in the world that just feel great: feeling clean sun-dried sheets on a hot day; smelling flowers that have been given as a gift; tasting coffee brewed by your favourite barista; seeing someone you love laughing.

One of my favourite feelings is putting on old jeans or opening a...

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How not to get stuck in a perfect plan mindfulness planning Jan 21, 2022

I love a good To Do List.

I can create them in excel, powerpoint and mindmaps. They can be colour-coded or time-coded: set out for individuals or teams. In fact I almost made a career of them, for what else is a strategic plan but a high level, sometimes aspirational To Do List.

I also love statio...

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