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Saying goodbye career goals creativity inspiration Nov 25, 2021

I did a one-day workshop with the wonderful Joanna Maxwell at Work in Colour on creative thinking. She promised lots of insights into how to access your own creativity and inspire creativity in groups, and she delivered.

I booked the workshop after a few weeks' holiday, feeling the need to get a bi...

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Accepting Fear acceptance fear' Oct 06, 2021

My dog Nikita is the best little watchdog, barking when people come to the door or a possum gets into the garden. If we get up at night to use the bathroom, she will follow us and do a patrol of the back garden just to check all is safe.  Or chase the neighbour’s cat, I am never sure.

When I am hom...

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Giving up doing it all kerry - style culture support work life balance Sep 22, 2021

There is much debate about work/life balance and can we have it all. Here’s what I believe: we may not be able to have it all, but we can definitely have and do enough. One of the secrets is to choose how you use your energy, and then let others support you on all the other stuff.

Allowing someone ...

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Redefining Health health natalie haider wellbeing Jul 16, 2021

Redefining Health By Natalie Haider


I previously believed that health was a destination, a number on the scales, my ability to obsessively restrict calories, a particular size of clothing that I could squeeze into, the amount of gym sessions I could pack into one week. I used to th...

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Should I stay or should I go? being your true self changes decision making May 26, 2021

In the spirit of clearing space in my life I have been reassessing a couple of network groups that I belong to, and working out if I should continue with them or not. I have become increasingly irritated with one and a bit fed up with the other. I feel like I am holding back, agreeing to things I do...

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When nothing seems to work, start doing nothing 10 steps burnout creating change creativity happiness mindfulness reflection support Apr 15, 2021

Have you ever had a problem that no matter what you tried to do, nothing ever seems to change or improve. I am talking about those long-term persistent matters that affect us at a deep level: leaving us feeling frustrated, dissatisfied, anxious, hopeless or sad. These are the problems that suck us o...

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Where in the world will I go next? career goals mindfulness travel wellbeing work life balance Feb 08, 2021

I know I am overdue for a holiday when I stare wistfully at the departure board at the airport and  imagine that I am boarding a plane for a long-haul flight. When the longing for far-off adventure includes the tedium of a 24-hour plus journey, I know it is time to pack a suitcase and go somewhere, ...

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Learning to be OK with discomfort compassion leadership mindfulness Jun 30, 2020

Learning to be OK with discomfort in ourselves and others is critical if we are going to listen, learn and make changes

Many of us have been following and active in the protests on #BlackLivesMatter and our own history of Indigenous deaths in custody.  

For those of us who benefit from white privi...

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Self-compassion, find your strength in relaxation and renewal coaching compassion leadership making change mindfulness Jun 17, 2020

It may feel like one hurdle after another right now – each one harder than the next.  Bushfires, funding applications, now Covid19.  The world is going through a climate, health and economic shakeup that was not on anyone’s radar 12 or even six months ago.

It is OK to feel shaken by all of this – b...

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Lean in to your weak spots and make them your new best friends career development making change mindfulness Mar 17, 2020

I was talking to my husband about a job that would push me way outside my comfort zone. As I went back and forth on the pros and cons, and whether I actually had the skills and qualifications to do it he looked up from his iPad and said – “Oh just lean into your imposter syndrome.” 

For those of yo...

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Collective Actions and Decisions: Making Change compassion leadership leading in crisis making change mindfulness Feb 25, 2020

We have been powerfully reminded this summer in Australia that our world is continually impacted by our collective actions and decisions, and yet it can feel on a day-to-day level that much is actually out of our control.   

However, we can make a difference if we really want to, in our lives and t...

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Why being “the best” could be your biggest hurdle to a successful working life career development making change mindfulness strategic change wellbeing work life balance Nov 14, 2019

Are you a high achiever, a leader in your sector, an award winner? 

Did you get constant high scores in class and now have glowing performance reviews?

Are you the one people think of when they need an expert?

And…. Do you also feel isolated, exhausted, and alone?

Kirsten Neff talks about the im...

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